Late Spring 2023 Updates

Late Spring 2023 Updates

Hi Friends!

We have a few things that we’ve worked on over the winter to make this travel season fun. We have almost fully booked our summer weekends with camping and hiking plans. We’re losing a significant chunk of June to our trip to Alaska. The rest of the summer we plan on travelling around the New England area and sharing our adventures. 

When we were stuck inside this winter with cabin fever I ended up planning another trip for October-oops. It’s always been a dream of mine to go to Disney World for Halloween. No, I don’t qualify myself as a Disney adult but I love it anyway. If you have any tips for visiting Disney during peak times or holidays let me know! 

Riley is turning 9 this year-in just two months. We have found the first round of “lab lumps” on her. If you’re unfamiliar with Labradors, when they get old they tend to develop benign tumors or fatty tissue deposits-aka lab lumps. She has an appointment later this month to have the first two biopsied just to be sure. We’re optimistically hopeful that they’re benign and she can carry on as is. 

I have just begun the process of imagining and going through the process of planning out a very large adventure for us. It has a lot of moving parts and a lot of decisions that are almost out of our hands to fall into place before we can solidify anything. Once the first domino falls I think that it will be easier to solidify our plans. I want so badly to share the process but I can’t count the chicks before they hatch. Wish us good luck! 


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