Disney Travel Day

Disney Travel Day

The full weight of a 5 day trip to Disney World with no rest days has finally caught up to us. The initial plan was to leave Shades of Green by 8AM and get to the airport by 9, for our 11AM flight. We were up with enough time to get the Resort buffet breakfast as our last day treat to ourselves. We didn’t get it all week only because we didn’t think we could stomach a big breakfast before running around all day long. While we were at breakfast we got the notification that our flight was delayed…quite a bit. Normally I would have used this time to go to the pool or try to fit in a bit more adventuring but we were both so tired that we went back to bed. 


Waiting for our Uber to take us to the airport the Blue Angels flew overhead, it was a really cool send off for us-I know it wasn’t but I like to pretend. Getting to the airport in Orlando was quite easy, all the way through security. We had a bit over an hour to wait until boarding, and needed to check in with the gate agent. Our seats were never assigned on our tickets and the gate agent was kind enough to bump us to first class without asking. It is probably the first and last time we got to fly in first glass. 


Getting to go to Disney for Halloween was a bucket list trip. The entire experience at Disney was amazing and I am excited to be able to go back as soon as we are able to. Going home this trip was that much harder knowing everything that happened while we were gone. It is relieving and disorienting to be away while a devastating event is happening, and there is nothing you can do.

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