Summer 2024 Updates

Summer 2024 Updates

It has been nearly an entire year since our last written update on the blog, and how time flies.  Since our last update we had the 2023 camping season, went to Alaska, then spent Halloween in Disney World. We camped in Greenville, Old Orchard Beach, Eustis, Oxford, and another spot in Old Orchard Beach. 


In the late spring of 2023 Ben sold his F150 and bought a 2019 Dodge 2500. It was in good shape, until we got it home. We drove it home and the front end began making noises indicating the wheel bearings needed to be replaced. We brought it back to the dealership and they said we could take it to a shop of our choosing after some debate. We chose our local dodge dealership’s service center in hopes to not waste time or money. They came back to us and said the truck would need $15,000 in repairs as it had been in an accident previously and had front end damage, as well as transmission issues. It took several months to get things settled from start to finish, but the original dealership bought the truck back.

Finally, in September of 2023 Ben found a truck in New Hampshire that had just been put up for sale, and that he was interested in. We drove out the next day and ended up buying it on the spot. It hadn’t even been cleaned or inspected by the dealership yet, so it would be another week before we took it home. 


Winter here in Maine was very mild up until February, then it hit like a ton of bricks. We had a few storms back to back where the weather fluctuated quite a bit. Ben left for National Guard training for a few weeks when a bad wind storm hit. I was at work when he called, not expecting to hear from him, only to learn our landlord had called him to tell him a tree fell on his truck in our driveway. I came home to find that a tree on our neighbor’s property fell straight across the street, into our driveway, and right down the middle of Ben’s truck. We are still dealing with this lovely situation. 

In more exciting news, we have started to make some very big, very exciting plans! We are going on a road trip! A two month, cross country roadtrip that is going to end up being our honeymoon. We are packing up our truck, camper, and dog and heading to Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Colorado and back again. We will have more details soon and we can only express how excited we are to get out for this trip. In the meantime we are gearing up for some local adventures.

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